Trade Setup enables you to maintain the trades and levels available for assignment to your crew members.
Set Up or Edit a Trade
- Navigate to Trade Setup
- Use the Search Bar to find existing trades.
- Click the Plus icon to create a new trade.
- Assign the new trade a name and a unique identifier and Save.
- Create levels for the trade with an ID and Name.
- Enter or Save to add the new level.
- Edit a trade or level at any time.
- Repeat for additional trades and levels.
Upload Trade and Trade Levels
Individual setup for large sets of trades and trade levels could take some time. That's why STRUXI allows you to upload all of your trade and trade levels in a single go.
- Navigate to Trade Setup.
- Click the Upload icon.
- Download the template csv if you'd like.
- Enter/paste in your data, and Save.
- Select your csv file for upload.
- Review the information in the preview pane.
- Once you verify everything looks correct, click Upload.
Important things to keep in mind:
- The upload process will create new and update existing trades and levels. It will not delete existing trades and levels that are absent from the file.
- We recommend downloading and using the template so you know all the information STRUXI lets you import.
- Trade Identifier, Trade Name, Trade Level and Trade Level Name are required for import.